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Nikki Haley Announces Support for Donald Trump in Upcoming US Presidential Election


May 23 ;
In the approaching US presidential elections, former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has declared her intention to vote for Donald Trump. The statements were delivered by her at a May 22 event in Washington, DC, hosted by the Hudson Institute. On the other hand, Haley did say that Trump would have to win over her primary campaign supporters.

At the gathering, Haley announced her intention to vote for Trump and reiterated her stance from her suspension address. Trump would be wise to stop assuming that the millions of people who backed him in the election will just stick with him and instead reach out to them. And it is my sincere wish that he does that.
March was the month in which Haley withdrew from the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Haley made a statement regarding the recent US national security issues, stating that previous president Trump, who was far from flawless, would be more suited to deal with them than the current US president, Joe Biden.

"As a voter, my priorities are clear: a president who will stand by our allies, punish those who betray us, and ensure the safety of our borders. No more excuses," she declared. Someone should lead the nation who believes in capitalism and individual liberty. More debt is worse, not less, and we need a president who gets that. When it comes to these policies, Trump is far from flawless. I've been rather explicit about that.

She continued by saying Biden has been "a catastrophe".

This is something that America must be intelligent enough to recognise and act upon. That can only occur if the United States of America regains its moral fibre. "All of this will start to fix itself if we grow a spine," Haley added.

During her address at the Hudson Institute, Haley brought up a number of topics, including Biden's handling of the US-Mexico border crisis, Israel, and Ukraine.

Strangely, Haley had previously questioned if Trump, at 77 years old, was too elderly to serve as president, accused Trump of being in disarray, and said that he was ignoring US partnerships abroad. So, Trump called Haley a "birdbrain" in return.

After Trump won enough delegates in March 2024 to become the Republican nominee for president, the tussle between Haley and Trump subsided.