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Indian community stands with Congressman Suozzi


The Indian American community stands with Congressman Tom Suozzi (Democrat, Long Island, New York), a true friend of India and Indian Americans, Kalathil Varghese, vice chair of North Hempstead Democratic Party and chairman of North Hempstead Indian Association, said in a statement.

We have known Suozzi for many years as a friend, ever ready to help the Indians in need. He has always supported India and maintained a good relationship with the community-at-large.

Unfortunately, a group of people with vested interests attacked him for his letter voicing his concerns about Kashmir after the revocation of Article 370. As a US Congressman, he has every right to express his concerns about situations in any part of the world.

Ignoring his track record, these people criticized his letter to Secretary of State Pompeo and demanded an apology. Many of these people want to divide the community here to please their political masters in India. Many of them are US citizens, who take immense pride for their freedom in this country; however, they are not ready to accept the freedom of speech of a Congressman, which is not acceptable.

Although the constituents have a right to voice their concerns to the elected officials, it is un-American to threaten and confront (without prior notice or permit) a Congressman or demand an apology for doing his duty. When candidates accept our campaign contributions, part of a political process here, that does not necessarily make them stooges to our whims and fantasies. Many in our community have come to these shores with so much baggage of bigotry and prejudices, and let us not employ those feelings to polarize our community further.

Also, we express our regret for an incident that happened at the India Day Parade that was held in Queens on August 11th. An individual, who had no knowledge of the facts nor links to the organizing committee of the parade and moreover, not even a New Yorker, questioned the Congressman, even after he clarified his stand at a meeting with the community earlier on that day. Though the Congressman behaved politely and graciously, the incident was used to create a self-serving hype, and reports of it have appeared at news outlets with exaggerations.

Kalathil also denied the claim that the Congressman walked out of the India Day Parade.  After his speech on stage at the Padavan-Feller Park, he left early.  On his way back to the car, the guy created the scene.

As Indian Americans, we support human rights and law and order in every part of India, including in Kashmir. They are Indian citizens, and they deserve to live in peace, he said in the statement.